Work has been
incredibly busy and stressful lately, so I decided that I needed to get away from it for a few days. I headed up to North Carolina to visit Rebekah, who interned with me at Appalachian State 2 years ago. I was hoping to get some fall colors, but unfortunately there was an early snow this year that caused most of the leaves to fall. I did see
some though! It was a good trip even though the weather was not the best. Lots of eating (I ate fried chicken every night I was there and even brought some home in a cooler- healthy, huh?), shopping, and visiting with friends! Here are some pictures:
We went to an old haunted schoolhouse. It was scary. This character here kept trying to scare me while we were in line because he overheard me say I am not a fan of clowns. He was scary until I heard him say something and he had a kid's voice. Little punk.
This is one of the places I really miss. Notice the fog in the background. It was like that pretty much the entire time I was there until the day I left when the sun came out...of course.
My last day there was the only day it didn't rain, so we went hiking. There were lots of these guys along the way:
The first waterfall we saw:
An old Homestead:
Stone Mountain:
Stone Mountain Falls:
A few remaining fall colors:
After the hike, we drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Check out that waterfall in the distance:
My last picture as I was heading back to Florida: